Jeffrey and Joses Messy Work

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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Jeffrey's Heroic Story

One day, there was a famous man called Explorer Arthur. He was the finest and most talented explorer ever in the whole world!

One fine day Arthur heard from his radio that there was an enormous cave in the rain forest, but no one knew what inside was. Arthur set off to explore the cave.

He went to the rain forest and was lost, so he used his compass to find the direction. At the end of the forest was a cliff at the sea, and down the cliff was a windy, dark and enormous cave.

He slowly walked in the cave and he suddenly realised that he was in a tunnel. At the end of which was a pool of lava and a lot of rocks, which was sort of a maze. Arthur walked on the rocks, and he finally reached to a little island in the middle of the lava.

There was a stand and on top of it was a gold sculpture which was a gold rocket. He put his finger on the rocket and suddenly the ground begun to shake. He saw a button on the complicated rocket and he quickly pressed on it.

Immediately yellow stars dropped from the cave and he was magically transported in a rocket. There was a count down from five to zero and the rocket shouted :BLAST OFF!", Arthur blasted off into the sky and he landed in the forest. The rocket then split up.

He followed his footsteps to a taxi-stand, and he decided to tell the president all about his adventure before he went home.

When he arrived at the president's office, he told all about his adventure at the cave to the president. He received 5 million dollars for just finding out the secret of the cave. 5 minutes later he arrived his home, but he didn't need to pay the fare because he had a free ride from the president!

Jeffrey's Simple Poem

This poem rhymes and with matching syllables

James' favourite subject was science, (9 syllables)
His science teacher was called Mrs Venture (11 syllables)
James liked inventing things like robots (9 syllables)
And he would like to go on an adventure! (11 syllables)

James' best friend in school was Christopher, (9 syllables)
They played hand ball and basketball together (11 syllables)
They always helped each other to win, (9 syllables)
They circled together and greet each other! (11 syllables)

Jeffrey's Alliterated Poem

Alliterated poem rhymes at the beginning sound, not the ending sound. In this poem, words rhyme at "E" sound.

Eddie the Elephant earns an earphone,
Eddie emails eagerly to everybody,
Elts the Eagle replies Eddie urgently,
"Do ELephant ears hear the earphone?"

Jeffrey's Diamante Poem

Diamante poem does not need to rhyme, but it has a specific format and in the shape of a diamond.

Jeffrey Tops - by Jeffrey

fast, thin,
cutting, attacking, slicing,
round edge, attack ring, weight disk, running core
pushing, defending, spinning,
beautiful, dark,

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Jeffrey's Machine Gun Sketch

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Jeffrey's Gas Fire Gun

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Joses' Crayon Painting of Building

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Joses Apologizing Heart

Once His Mummy was very cross with Joses' naughtiness, he requested a piece of paper and drew a BIG HEART , his mummy and himself, sent it to her mother and said sorry.

His mother laughed and forgave him. Click on the picture below to see his drawing

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Star War - Episode X

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Doc Oct's Monster Arm Made by Joses

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My Family - Drawn by Joses

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